**Option 1: Preferred by Most Diocesan Employees. Does not affect your paycheck. Deducts only the amount that would have been paid to the state.
**Option 2: Allows you to designate a fixed contribution amount each pay period after taxes and reduces your net pay by that amount.
• You must re-enroll each year for your CEA deduction to continue!
• 2020 Contribution Limits: For singles, the contribution limit is $1183, for married couples, the limit is $2365.
• Call us with your questions!
Catholic Education Arizona is an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization and has never accepted gifts designated for individuals. Per state law, a school tuition organization cannot award, restrict or reserve scholar-ships solely on the basis of donor recommendation. A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit if the taxpayer agrees to swap donations with another taxpayer to benefit either taxpayer’s own dependent.