How Arizona Tax Credits for Education Benefit Local Communities
Arizona tax credits are a powerful tool to support education in meaningful ways, by helping to transform both local communities and the lives of [...]
Faith Shapes Character: Education Scholarships that Build Arizona’s Future Workforce
Since 1998, Catholic Education Arizona has provided critical tuition scholarships to thousands of underserved students to change lives, serve society, and transform culture. For [...]
How One Scholarship Recipient is Paying it Forward
Each year, thousands of Arizona families desire a Catholic education that educates the whole child. Catholic Education Arizona provides scholarships to help underserved families [...]
How Businesses Can Navigate Arizona’s Corporate Tax Credit Landscape
Arizona corporate tax credits offer businesses a unique opportunity to invest in education while reducing their tax liability. Arizona corporate tax credits allow corporations [...]
How Catholic Education Arizona is Helping to Shape Future Leaders in Our Community
Catholic Education Arizona is dedicated to helping change lives through education. By providing tuition scholarships to underserved children, we believe in not only serving [...]
Changing Lives One Scholarship at a Time
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