Business Leaders Series: Build Healthy Culture With One to One

2024-09-05T15:14:04-07:00September 17th, 2024|Articles|

By Nancy Padberg, MBA, President and CEO Effective leadership and a healthy culture are built on a foundation of open, consistent communication. One of the most powerful tools for fostering this communication is One-to-One meetings. These consistent, loosely structured interactions between team members and their managers ensure everyone is aligned, [...]

How Angela Lawson Helps Families Access Catholic Education with a Charitable Remainder Trust

2024-09-05T15:16:52-07:00September 11th, 2024|Articles|

Angela Lawson is a mother of three, grandmother of six, and great-grandmother of two. She understands the impact a Catholic education has on the family and society. Angela herself is a product of quality Catholic education, having attended Catholic school from preschool until her high school graduation. As an adult, [...]