Education doesn’t stop once a student graduates. We know that by serving our students well, we can help leave a lasting impact on our Arizona workforce moving forward. Here are four key skills that students in Catholic schools will take with them upon entering the workforce, and will provide incredible value to our community.

Collaboration and Teamwork

Diversity is a core principle in Catholic education, whether it’s differing cultural, religious, or financial backgrounds. 

Catholic education puts a focus on group projects and teamwork, promoting a culture of collaboration. This is an incredibly valuable skill in the workforce and beyond, helping students as they meet people from various backgrounds every day.

Dedication and Commitment

Every job calls for dedication, and Catholic schools work to instill these values early. With a 99.9% average graduation rate, students are held to the high standards that teachers know they can achieve. 

Creating a routine of hard work and expectation of only the highest quality results will build confidence in tomorrow’s industry leaders.

Critical Thinking Skills

Problem-solving is a key element in any job. Catholic schools work to incorporate critical thinking principles into every aspect of a student’s education, urging children and teens alike to hone their observation skills and learn to draw their own conclusions instead of relying on memorization alone. 

This helps students of all ages navigate the world in a thoughtful and innovative way, bringing a new generation of bright minds to our workforce.

Empathy and Servanthood

One of the core requirements for most Catholic students to graduate at the end of their senior year is volunteer hours. Our partner schools place a huge emphasis on empathy and servanthood, encouraging students to go outside of the school walls to make a difference in their local communities. 

Instilling core character traits like kindness and empathy builds an inclusive, socially conscious group of minds that will bring equality and safety to every industry they pursue.

Are you looking for a way to support your local Catholic schools? Contact our team at Catholic Education Arizona today to learn more about how you can make a difference in the future of Arizona and the world.

Posted 7/31/24