With the new year fully underway, our team wants to showcase some of the fundamental ways that our schools are bringing different principles into the classroom.

Diversity and inclusion have been important issues for a long time, especially amongst faith-based communities and educational environments. Here is an outline of four key ways that our CEA schools celebrate and cultivate diversity.

1. Student Body Diversity

The most obvious reflection of Catholic education’s commitment to diversity is the student body itself.

Throughout our local Arizona Catholic schools, you can find students of all cultural backgrounds, faiths, and more. Our key supporters and giving families empower us to bring children of all financial situations into Catholic schools as well! We hope to expand our reach even further in 2024.

2. Growth of Critical Thinking Habits

Within any Catholic school curriculum, you won’t find merely memorization and repetition.

Catholic Education Arizona schools encourage critical thinking skills through team-building projects, research questions, and creative assignments.

Learning to think critically creates a diversity of thought in the classroom, fostering empathy, mindfulness, and a variety of excellent character traits.

3. A Vast Variety of Faith Backgrounds

Contrary to popular belief, Catholic schools are not only for practicing Catholics. In fact, according to the International Office of Catholic Education, 18.7% of Catholic school students are not Catholic.

For many students and young people, their faith journey begins with a strong support network, experience with differing faith backgrounds, forming personal connections, and more. In the world of Catholic education, no student is ever forced into a one-size-fits-all approach to personal faith, encouraging children of all ages to thrive and grow.

4. Community-Centered Projects

Catholic education doesn’t stop once students leave the classroom! Catholic schools often require students to complete community service hours, pushing them to explore their gifts and talents in their local neighborhoods.

These projects allow students to experience diversity in social, financial, and cultural spheres.

A Catholic school education features cultural, ideological, and creative diversity. Are you looking for a great way to support your local Catholic schools?

Contact our team at Catholic Education Arizona today. We look forward to hearing from you.


Posted: 2/22/24