Teachers and parents understand that character development is a lengthy process. It takes time for children to develop a unique outlook of their own, and their educational upbringing has a large part to play. Choosing Catholic education for your child offers a multitude of benefits, with character development being one of utmost importance. In this article, we’ll review how Catholic education can help your child develop their values and character traits.


Fostering Collaboration and Empathy

Friendships are one of the key things that students will take with them out into the world after graduation. Catholic schools actively foster strong friendships and collaborative efforts among students in various ways. Whether it’s an in-depth group project or an exciting, team-based extracurricular activity, Catholic schools strive to help students develop skills of empathy, listening, and communication for their fellow students and others. These character traits serve as guiding lights throughout their lives.


Promoting Community Engagement

Community service and personal development go hand in hand. Catholic schools place a large emphasis on serving others in the community, which results in a friendly, inspired, and active student body. When students see how they can truly make a difference in their community, they build character traits of honesty and integrity.


Encouraging Students to Embrace Their Gifts

While character development primarily focuses on the way a child thinks, feels, and grows, it can also be impacted by a child’s freedom to follow their dreams. Catholic schools provide a wide variety of resources for 97% of their graduates to find their passions and chase them, either into higher education, trade school, or military service. According to the National Catholic Educational Association, 99% of students who attend Catholic high school graduate. These statistics illustrate the tremendous value Catholic education offers in shaping young minds.

Undoubtedly, a quality, Catholic education leaves a positive and lasting impact on your child’s character development. To learn more about Catholic schools or how you can support your local Catholic school, give Catholic Education Arizona a call today.

Posted 7/20/23