February – Month to Remember “Heart Health”

When we hear “heart health”, we think about EKG’s, nutrition and activity to promote longevity and happiness in our lives.  I want to take that a step further and include our willingness to serve as another important aspect of “heart health.”

When I was young, I was taught to use my time, talents and treasure for the good of others, to always have the heart of a servant.  I believe that some are born with a servant heart.  They naturally want to share their gifts, regardless of what or how much they have, and place importance on serving the underserved.  Others learn to serve by witnessing as they mature, those random acts of kindness shown by parents, grandparents and community members who are always there to serve others, therefore developing a sense of well-being or fulfillment after helping their fellow man.

How is your heart health?

As we look into the month of February, when the heart and its health are emphasized, may we promote service to others as part of our daily lives.  At CEA serving the underserved is the core of our existence and helps us to keep “heart health” at the center of our daily work.  We hold places of gratitude for each and every one of you that help us educate taxpayers, spread the word on the value of the Corporate and Individual tax credits the state provides, and multiply the impact being made on our children, their families, and our state.  Want to improve your heart health?  Join us as we continue to change lives, and although I can’t promise you won’t have to have an EKG or better diet, I can promise the feeling you receive by helping others is priceless!

Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!
