At Catholic Education Arizona, community, generosity, and serving others are some of the key values we strive to reflect in all of our work. Whether that means providing a tuition scholarship to an underserved child or guiding parents toward the right school for their child’s unique gifts, we take steps to ensure that giving remains the core component of what we do.


In the spirit of giving and serving others, we want to highlight one of the key ways we get support from our local families. In the state of Arizona, we’re blessed to have the opportunity to redirect our tax dollars through STO tax credits. The process is simple and can positively impact both our Catholic schools and the wider communities. Let’s look at three ways STO tax credits support our work.



Encouraging Student Leadership and Growth


First and foremost, STO tax credits feed directly into the scholarships of students all over Arizona, allowing bright minds of varying ages to access the countless benefits of a Catholic school education. This is the primary objective of our work at Catholic Education Arizona. We aim to change the lives of families who may not be able to afford Catholic education.



Pouring Back Into Our Local Arizona Community


Most of our schools promote volunteer service in order for a student to graduate their senior year. This is a direct way to see your STO tax credits circling back into your community, with students working at soup kitchens, local gardening initiatives, and much more.



Supporting Our Hardworking Teachers and Staff


Last, but certainly not least, redirecting your STO tax credits to Catholic Education Arizona means that we have the resources to take care of our teachers, staff, and volunteers. According to the Economic Policy Institute, teacher quality is one of the most significant factors related to student achievement. We believe in providing our leaders with the financial resources they need to keep teaching and mentoring our student body.


There’s no limit to how your redirected STO tax credits can impact a student, family, or teacher in one of our schools. Are you wondering how the process works? Do you have questions about our work? Contact our team at Catholic Education Arizona and learn more about how we’re serving our Arizona community.


Posted 5/24/24