Only 19 states have tax credit school choice legislation that empowers families to choose the education best-suited for their children.  Arizona’s school choice programs that are supported by tax credits provide equitable opportunities for families in every corner of the state, regardless of socioeconomic status, to enjoy a faith-based, quality education.

One family recently shared their story with Catholic Education Arizona with gratitude for tax credit scholarships and the impact that Christ the King Catholic School is having on little Diego.  Without the support of CEA, this education would not be possible.

Fernando Pinal, Diego’s grandfather, wishes everyone knew about tax credit scholarships and how important it is to support them.  Pinal shared, “For us as family, we value the fact that our faith remains in the center of our lives, and education based on Catholic values is a must for this life and especially the next.”  Pinal believes Catholic schools are there for more than just academic preparation. They reinforce faith, values, and a worldview rooted in freedom and social justice.

Pinal expressed his gratitude to those who contribute to CEA by saying, “Thank you for not ignoring the chance to do good, for the love of others and especially the little ones; who would have imagined that paying our taxes could become an offering to God and a great deed?”

Support families who choose Catholic education by contributing to the General Scholarship Fund for schools with unmet need, or select the Catholic school(s) of your choice as the recipient of your contribution.  Call CEA at 602 218-6542 or visit for more information or to change a life today!