Happy Easter! The most joyous time of our Church year is upon us!

As we approach the last weeks to complete returns for tax year 2023, it is critical to help Arizona children receive the quality, Catholic education they desire by taking advantage of the Individual Tax Credit for Private Education.

Catholic Schools are not Federally funded, therefore must use all resources creatively to meet the rising costs of educating their students.  Your Arizona tax credit helps thousands of students maintain their enrollment and keep their dream of quality education a reality.

April 15th is around the corner.  Once you take the credit, please take a moment to see if your contribution can be matched by your employer through our Matching Gift opportunity.  Visit our website or call our office, and we can help you find out!

Thank you, if you have already taken the credit for 2023.  If you want an easy, budget friendly way to make your 2024 tax credit contribution through easy monthly or bi-monthly payments, call our office to set up your Scheduled Pay! plan.  It’s quick and easy!

I hope you enjoyed a blessed Holy Week and Easter, and remember that working together, we are changing lives, one scholarship at a time!
