Thanksgiving, a Time to be Grateful

Thanksgiving has deep roots in religious tradition and is a great time to appreciate the traditions and blessings that have been bestowed upon us. It is a time for families to gather and appreciate each other, sometimes their only opportunity during the year.

As the season of giving commences, we are pleased to have provided over 153,000 scholarships since 1998 and know there is much more work to do!  All families deserve the ability to choose the education that best meets their child’s needs, regardless of their income. At CEA, we are honored to work each day to help families have that choice, and are excited about the future here, and across the Nation!

With $54m remaining in Corporate tax credit, please call our office to learn how you can change lives with your AZ corporate liability.  Companies that file as a S or C Corporation, or Insurance Companies paying AZ Premium Tax can take advantage of the dollar-for-dollar tax credit and invest in quality education!  With a 99.8% Graduation Rate, your ROI is amazing!

The Individual tax credit renewal campaigns have begun, so please be on the lookout for your renewal mailing, and remember, you can support the General Scholarship Fund serving schools with highest unmet need, or select the school(s) of your choice.

With heartfelt thanks, I wish You and Yours a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving,
