Catholic Education Arizona (CEA) is one of many valley organizations to accept matching gifts from local businesses.  CEA uses Double the Donation software to help educate our contributors of the opportunity and streamline the process. 

Many companies take their role in corporate social responsibility seriously and show their community support through opportunities such as donating to the same charities their employees hold dear.  

In the case of Catholic Education Arizona, if an individual opts to take the individual tax credit for private education, participating companies will match that tax contribution as a dollar-for-dollar donation to CEA.  CEA then receives both an individual tax credit contribution, for which the donor receives a dollar-for-dollar tax credit, and a matched donation from the individual’s employer.   

Double the Donation is one way to help employees leverage their own charitable endeavors by searching the Double the Donation website to determine whether their employer will match a gift A number of large companies throughout the state participate, such as banks, tech companies, and healthcare organizations. 

To learn whether your employer will match your tax credit contribution to Catholic Education Arizona as a charitable donation, visit Matching Gift. 

Catholic schools boast: 

  • 99% graduation rate 
  • 97% matriculate to higher education or military service 
  • 1000s of hours of community service annually

Catholic Education Arizona is the largest provider of scholarships to underserved families attending private schools.  Last year $16.4 million in tax credit contributions was made to assist nearly half of Arizona’s Catholic school students. Since 1998, over $268 million in tuition scholarships has been awarded to 138,000 students. Learn more about how CEA is Changing Lives One Scholarship at a Time at or call 602-218-6542.