When you hear the word “scholarship,” you probably immediately think of a set dollar amount. After all, scholarships play a key role in equipping students to attend prestigious schools. With a Catholic school scholarship, students will be provided the financial resources they need to thrive. Let’s take a look at five areas that make a Catholic school scholarship valuable, aside from their baseline financial value.

Creating Last Connections

Catholic school curriculum focuses on teamwork and individualized learning of languages. With a Catholic school scholarship, a student can get access to the one-on-one guidance they need to succeed. With smaller class sizes, students are encouraged to collaborate on projects and create connections that can last a lifetime.

Learning Critical Thinking Skills

A key component of Catholic school learning is a focus on critical thinking. As opposed to pure memorization, the Catholic curriculum digs deeper into problem-solving, allowing students to discover the “why” of their studies. Learning how to critically think and make educated decisions is a skill every student will need in higher education and the workforce, making Catholic school scholarships invaluable.

Giving Back to the Community

In addition to fostering learning within the walls of the classroom, Catholic schools require students to get out of their comfort zones and serve those in their community. Through service projects and volunteer assignments, students learn the value of their work, growing into passionate, productive members of society.

Pursuing Unique Talents and Gifts

With a Catholic school scholarship, a student has access to specialized classes and extracurricular activities that can hone in on their unique interests and passions. From AP art classes to introductory engineering classes, students can explore several avenues at a private Catholic school.

Being Prepared for Higher Education

Finally, a Catholic school scholarship provides a child with the staff, classes, and resources that they need to excel academically. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 99% of students who go to a Catholic high school graduate. A scholarship will put a student on the road to success, and the numbers reflect it!

Are you looking for a way to give back to your local Catholic school through scholarships? Do you want to learn more about directing your tax credits toward Catholic education? Give our team at Catholic Education Arizona a call today.

Posted 12/27/23