“There are now 4 easy ways to provide tuition scholarships for underserved children, through tax credits AND donations” said Nancy Padberg, MBA, President and CEO of Catholic Education Arizona.

Redirecting your AZ tax liability to Catholic Education Arizona funds scholarships for children, providing quality, Catholic education to thousands of students across Arizona.

These scholarships have helped achieve:

  • 99.4% Graduation Rate
  • 97% matriculate to higher education, trade school, or military service
  • 1000s of service hours provided to the community

“Arizona taxpayers can fund tuition scholarships through the Individual Tax Credits, Low-Income and Disabled/Displaced Corporate Tax Credits, and through the NEW Changing Lives Division for donations and planned gifts,” says Deb Preach, Chief Operating Officer.

4 Simple Ways to Provide Scholarships:

 #1 Individual Tax Credits

“Individuals may select the General Scholarship Fund serving schools with unmet need or a specific Catholic school(s) within the Diocese of Phoenix, ” Deb explained.

“Take a look at last year’s state tax return to determine your liability (how much you can contribute). You can contribute online, by phone, or through the mail. A tax credit receipt will be provided as proof of tax payment.”

#2 Low Income Corporate Tax Credit

“S- and C- Corporations, LLC or PLLCs filing as S-Corporations and Insurance Companies that pay AZ premium tax can redirect 100% of their AZ Corporate tax liability,” Nancy said. “The Low-Income corporate tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar credit that turns corporate tax dollars into tuition scholarships for underserved children.

#3 Disabled Displaced Corporate Tax Credit

“Corporations can also redirect their corporate tax liability through the dollar-for-dollar AZ Disabled/Displaced tax credit, that funds tuition scholarships for students with learning disabilities or who have ever been part of the AZ Foster Care system,” said Nancy.

#4 Changing Lives Division

Nancy added, “The Changing Lives Division invites contributors looking to give beyond their tax credit contribution through a donation or planned gift. Donations and planned gifts can be cash, bequests, stock, and more”.

Through AZ tax credits or donations, there are many ways to create scholarships for underserved children. For more information, call (602) 218-6542 or visit CEAZ.org to help change lives one scholarship at a time!