Toward the end of each fiscal year, our team at Catholic Education Arizona compiles a presentation of data and statistics about scholarships, school support, graduation rates, and more. This yearly report shows how your tax dollars impact your local schools, families, and communities. This blog will take a closer look at the amazing work that we’ve done this year thanks to redirected tax dollars from our incredible supporters.

Equipping Students With Valuable Scholarships

Catholic Education




















In FY2023, we were blessed to be able to provide 4,559 scholarships to students ranging from elementary to high school. These scholarships were given throughout 38 different Catholic schools, allowing students to access the academic excellence and valuable resources that come with an involved and well-rounded Catholic education. The average graduation rate of Catholic students reached an astounding 99.8% this year!

Filling Our Halls With Students of All Backgrounds

With the capacity to award so many students with scholarships, Catholic Education Arizona has introduced students of countless racial, cultural, and spiritual backgrounds to Catholic schools. When we can bring students of all backgrounds into our halls, regardless of their financial situation, we build a strong, outstanding student body.

Making a Difference in Our Local Arizona Communities

Catholic Education

At CEA, we pride ourselves on the strong foundation that we help build in our community. This year, the Catholic school students of Arizona served wholeheartedly and abundantly, amounting to thousands of volunteer hours. When you give and contribute to a child’s future, you’re pouring your support back into your neighborhood, building a stronger and better tomorrow.

Contributors like yourself enable our team to make a true impact on our local communities. We couldn’t be more grateful for each person who equips us with the means to change the world, one scholarship at a time. Download the entire 2023 Impact Report from the “Impact” tab to learn more about how CEA is growing and giving back. To learn about how you can support your local Catholic schools, give our team a call today.

Posted 1/23/24