Dear Friends,

It’s July in Arizona! Pass the sunscreen, cold iced tea and a generous helping of faith.

Faith nourishes us, gives us energy and inspires. It seems now more than ever, we need faith, especially “love thy neighbor.” The Golden Rule is needed in all schools, places of worship, and day-to-day interactions. Faith and the Ten Commandments are present in our 37 Catholic Schools — where our students learn to serve others through thousands of hours of service hours annually, have insightful prayer and are taught respect for diversity, and where future leaders are created through confidence, education and community.

Our organization is fortunate to have friends like you, sharing our message and mission, on the Arizona Private Education and Corporate Low Income, Disabled/Displaced Tax Credits.

If you, a friend or relative own a business, please reach out to us to see if you can help your school, students and families!

Be sure to view our Impact Report June 2020, where Catholic Education Arizona supports 45% of the enrolled Catholic School students with some level of assistance.

If you listen to Podcasts, listen to our new “Creating Future Leaders” podcasts.  They are informative, funny and inspirational!

Follow us on our Social Media channels, be encouraged with the student testimonials, alumni successes, news, facts, stats and a receive a large helping of faith!

Thank you for your continued support of our mission, to serve the underserved, change lives, serve society and transform culture!
