Dear Friends,

I trust you are enjoying your summer with family and friends, making new memories and staying cool! We kicked off our FY25 on July 1, 2024, and are pleased with our strong start.

Each day our team jumps out of bed eager to focus on our mission: “Provide scholarships to underserved children to change lives, serve society and transform culture.” We feel fortunate to serve our schools, parishes, students and their families as we know that together, we are creating future leaders.

As you may know, we now have four ways to contribute to underserved students:

  1. AZ Individual Tax Credits
  2. AZ Corporate Low Income Tax Credits
  3. AZ Disabled Displaced Tax Credits
  4. Changing Lives (non-tax credit) Division for Donations and Planned Gifts

Over 25 years, with your help we have provided over 153,000 scholarships for students to have access to education that shapes the whole child, academically, spiritually and morally.

Thank you to our FY25 Board of Directors, we are grateful for your commitment to our mission and Catholic education.

Thank you to our committed school leaders, faculty, administration and staff for providing our students with strong foundations for their future success!

God bless,
