Hello, Friends.

Our team is planting seeds every day. Seeds of knowledge. Seeds to grow. Our team is planting the benefits of Arizona Private Education, Low Income and Disabled/Displaced Corporate Tax Credits. We have recently discovered many individuals are aware of how they can participate as an individual but don’t know how participate as a corporation.

We plant seeds through:

  • Podcasts
  • Webinars
  • Newsletters
  • Social Media posts
  • AZ CPA Sponsorships
  • School Presentations
  • Corporate Breakfasts
  • Parish Presentations
  • Phone calls
  • Meetings
  • eMails
  • Videos
  • Learn more here

I think about Genesis 26:12 when Isaac planted crops in the land and reaped a hundred fold because the Lord blessed him. We didn’t battle famine, but we battled COVID. Thank you for helping us plant and grow. Grow future leaders.

Note: The Corporate Commitment Form deadline is June 30, 2021.

Please email me to learn more or introduce a friend regarding our Low Income and Disabled/Displaced Corporate Tax Credits: npadberg@ceaz.org. Companies such as APS, GCU, FirstBank, CCMC, Fasturtle Digital, Earnhardt Auto Centers, Cigna and 100 + know the benefits of Corporate Tax Credits.  We are lucky to live in Arizona where dollar for dollar tax credits can help our underserved with education. It is noble work we do together to educate a child, assist a family, build a community, improve our state and ultimately change the world.

We will keep planting where God has planted us!
God Bless, Nancy