Dear Friends,

One of the most noble causes to support is helping others with their pursuit of education. Education truly changes lives. The support can originate in many ways:  volunteer at a school, provide words of wisdom, give donations or fortunately in Arizona we can assist under resourced children with Arizona tax credits.

A few education benefits include financial, personal health and longevity. When you are educated you tend to search options, have confidence and make better decisions. Here are a few benefits and stats:

  • Improves skills such as literacy, develops effective habits, and improve cognitive ability
  • According to a Forbes* article working full time with following levels of education can expect to earn:
    • High School Diploma: $40,500
    • Associate’s degree: $50,100
    • Bachelor’s Degree: $65,400
    • Master’s Degree: $80,200
    • Doctoral Degree: $102,300
    • Professional Degree: $120,500
  • Trade School Salaries in Arizona 2021**
    • Air Traffic Controller – $129,750
    • Construction Manager – $98,890
    • Radiation Therapist – $82,790

An education certainly improves lives, it also improves families, communities, and work forces.

Arizona Tax Credit awareness is happening this month! Join us at 30 various parishes to learn how easy it is to participate. Catholic Education Arizona has Arizona Individual, Disabled/Displaced and Low Income Corporate Tax Credits to choose from. Read about the various ways you can help others pursue their education and dreams:

I was fortunate to grow up in a home where education was a priority and key to a bright future. It’s been 20 years since I walked across the stage at Pepperdine University after earning my MBA. It was worth the sacrifices, time and financial investment. Today I am grateful for the education lens to evaluate decisions, help others pursue their educational goals and framework for purpose, service and leadership.

God less,



*Forbes 2018 earnings report article

**Unmudle Blog