Question 1: As a parent, how has CEA helped make Catholic education attainable and affordable for your family?
“We wanted to raise our daughter in our Catholic faith. Thankfully, we are able to send her to Catholic School because of the tuition assistance from CEA. CEA has made Catholic School affordable for us during a period of financial need. We are happy she has been able to continue her education and faith development in a Catholic School.”
Question 2: As a student, what does a Catholic education mean to you?
“A Catholic education means I can express my religion in school, while being part of a community of faithful followers. But I am still learning what I need to succeed in life.”
Question 3: From a family perspective, how would you thank those that have helped make your education possible through their state tax dollars and encourage them to continue to support Catholic Education Arizona?
“We would say thank you and please continue to give! Your support is helping our Catholic community by educating our children not only with excellent academics, but also with the faith of Jesus Christ. You are making a difference and living as Jesus taught us – by loving your neighbor as yourself.”