When selecting the ideal school for your child, it’s essential to examine the curriculum that will shape their educational journey. From fundamental academic principles to extracurricular activities, there are numerous aspects to consider. One distinct feature you’ll notice in Catholic schools, setting them apart from others, is their emphasis on volunteering and community service hours. Many Catholic schools require a set number of on- or off-campus volunteer hours as a graduation requirement. But why is this? Let’s delve into some key ways that community service can profoundly impact students.

Nurturing Social Skills

While Catholic education strives to develop top-notch scholars, it also seeks to encourage students to flourish in their social and interpersonal abilities. Volunteering in the community or within the school environment provides students with opportunities to connect with peers and build enduring relationships. Learning to communicate and collaborate within a team is an invaluable skill that benefits students throughout their lives.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Although Catholic schools aim to create diverse learning environments, engaging with the local community exposes students to a broader spectrum of cultures and demographics, enriching their understanding of Arizona’s diverse neighborhoods. Serving diverse groups of people instills character and empathy in students, fostering a sense of inclusivity and respect for all.

Building a Brighter Tomorrow

It’s no secret that Catholic schools boast some of the highest graduation rates in the country. According to the National Catholic Educational Association, 99% of students who attend Catholic high schools graduate, with 96% of Arizona graduates matriculating to higher-education, trade school, or military service. These impressive statistics aren’t solely the result of rote memorization. Volunteering across various sectors and industries helps students discover their unique talents and passions. Community engagement cultivates the next generation of changemakers, equipping them to make a positive impact in their homes, schools, and the wider world.

Volunteer hours, whether within the school or beyond its walls, play a pivotal role in the Catholic school experience. Students are encouraged to practice the art of serving others and gain a deeper understanding of the world they inhabit. Through community service and the cultivation of critical thinking principles, Catholic school students are well-prepared to pursue their dreams and passions in the future. If you’re in search of the right Catholic school for your child or wish to support local Catholic charities, reach out to Catholic Education Arizona today to learn more. Your involvement can contribute to the growth and development of both students and communities alike.


Posted: September 25th, 2023