My name is Hailey Domonique Infante. I attended St. Gregory’s Catholic School from pre-K through 5th grade in Phoenix, Arizona. I also attended St. Patrick’s Catholic School in San Diego, California for all of 6th grade and half of 7th grade. I  eventually graduated 8th grade, here in Arizona, from St. Greg’s in 2015. Then, I attended Xavier College Preparatory and graduated in 2019.


My family has a deep-rooted connection to the Catholic Church. Both my maternal and paternal grandparents, as well as my parents, were baptized and received all their sacraments, including marriage, through the Catholic Church. My mother went to St. Catherine’s Catholic School in Phoenix, where I was baptized and where my family attended Sunday Mass Up until my pre-K school year. I then received all my sacraments at St. Gregory Catholic School and continued my education at Xavier College Preparatory. This strong foundation in my faith has been a significant part of my life, shaping my spiritual journey and community involvement.

What impact did Catholic schools have on you and your family?

Attending Catholic schools helped me maintain my faith in everyday life by providing a strong spiritual foundation and reinforcing religious values. This environment also encouraged my family to actively participate in community activities through our parish. Through these engagements, we connected with other church members who have since become lifelong friends.

What Challenges/Obstacles, over the years, were you able to overcome that you would attribute to your Catholic education and Faith?

Attending a Catholic school instilled a strong sense of faith and hope, which was crucial during my mother’s fight with kidney disease and her second transplant in my freshman year of high school. The school’s emphasis on prayer, community support, and spiritual guidance provided me with the strength and optimism needed to navigate such a challenging time. The sense of belonging and encouragement from teachers and peers also played a significant role in maintaining my resilience and hope. Furthermore, the structured Catholic school curriculum provided me with the qualities necessary to thrive in university by emphasizing discipline, time management, and a strong work ethic. The rigorous academic environment fostered critical thinking and problem-solving skills, while the integration of faith-based values instilled a sense of integrity and purpose. The supportive community and emphasis on service also encouraged me to develop empathy and leadership, which have been invaluable in my university experience.

What is one or two special memories of your Catholic School Experience that you would like to share?

Ever since I can remember, every Catholic school I attended had an Advent pageant that beautifully depicted the story of Jesus’ birth in a theatrical way. These productions were a cherished tradition, blending faith and artistry. As a singer, I was particularly drawn to these events and eagerly participated in them. By the time I reached high school, I had the opportunity to further develop my singing talents and take on more significant roles in these pageants, making them a highlight of my school experience and deepening my connection to the Christmas story and my faith.


I graduated with my Associate of Arts degree a week before finishing high school, showcasing my dedication and hard work. As a first-generation graduate, I went on to earn my Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Arizona. Currently, I am pursuing a Master of Science in Clinical Research at the University of Arizona while in the process of applying to medical school, continuing my journey toward a career in medicine.