“Thank you for giving Mariama the opportunity attend a school that is a safe place where she can blossom!”

How has CEA helped make Catholic education attainable and affordable for your family?

We cannot thank the CEA enough for the scholarship for Mariama, our youngest of 7 children. It is a true gift from God, and results in praise to Him. Being in full-time ministry and having 3-4 of our children in college over the last decade, the financial help is such a blessing, lightens our load and frees us up to focus on the ministry the Lord has for us to do for others.

What does a Catholic education mean to you and your family?

After praying for the Lord to show us what school would be best for Mariama, we knew His answer was that St. John Paul II High School would be “a safe place where she could blossom”. We especially appreciate the ethics classes and the prayers led by teachers in the classrooms.

Why is this opportunity important to you?

We know this is an opportunity for even a deeper spiritual formation for Mariama. We know that the school is bathed in prayer. And caring teachers at JP2 have gone out of their way to accommodate her learning style and help her succeed.

How would you thank those that have helped make your education possible through their state tax dollars and encourage them to continue to support Catholic Education Arizona?

I pray the Lord pours out His blessing on every family who gives through CEA! Also, that they would understand that students are having an opportunity to be encouraged and supported spiritually to understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ and grow in their personal relationship with Him.