How has CEA helped make Catholic education attainable and affordable for your family?
“This year our daughter’s Catholic education would not be possible if it weren’t for CEA. For many years, we were able to pay a large portion of my daughter’s education, but with the loss of my job, that changed. We were blessed to be able to turn to CEA for assistance. This has allowed our daughter to receive a first-rate education with spiritual guidance. We can’t begin to express our deepest thanks to those who contribute to CEA. You are truly making a difference in Catholic education. I look forward to paying it forward by assisting CEA in the future.”
What does a Catholic education mean to you?
“A Catholic education is all I have known since Pre-K. I talk to kids at public schools and realize how blessed I am to receive a first-rate, Catholic education. I believe education with Catholic instruction makes me a stronger student. This chance to attend Catholic school gives me the possibilities to pursue my dreams and help those in need as I grow and mature. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to have a Catholic Education. It is my hope more people see the blessing of Catholic education and CEA.”
How would you thank those that have helped make your education possible through their state tax dollars and encourage them to continue to support Catholic Education Arizona?
“When you give to CEA its more than a donation. Your contribution through re-directing your Arizona State Taxes is reaching out to children with the gift of a spiritual education. We hope next year brings you many blessings and continue to hope and pray that you can help children reach their potential. You have many options or ways to help people, but helping children reach their educational dreams is truly a lifetime gift. Thank you for your contribution to CEA, as it reaches so many kids.”