Name, Catholic School(s) attended, years graduated:

Most Holy Trinity 1985-1993


I was born in Elizabeth City, NC while my dad was serving in the Coast Guard. We moved back to Phoenix when I was about 2. I attended Most Holy Trinity (MHT) for my elementary years and then went on to Sunnyslope High School. From there – I went to the University of Redlands. I played volleyball and competed in Track and Field there and graduated with a BA in Psychology (2001). After that, I attended Loma Linda University for a MS in Marital and Family Therapy (2003). In 2003, I married Bobby Treon, a Saints Simon and Jude Cathedral School (SSJ) and Brophy alumnus. We were married at Most Holy Trinity, which is the same church my parents were married in. I started attending Mass at SSJ in 1996, but it just felt right (full circle moment) to get married at MHT.  have been married for 21 years and have a 16 year old son, Matthew, who is a sophomore at Brophy. He attended Prek – 8 at SSJ. We moved to Omaha, NE so my husband could attend dental school at Creighton after the wedding. He graduated in 2007 and we immediately moved back to Phoenix. My niece and nephews were attending SSJ when we moved back home – and after talking with Sr. Raphael, I was offered a job as SSJ’s school counselor! I am starting my 18th year at SSJ this fall and am taking on a new role – in addition to school counseling, I will also be an assistant principal! I love, love, love my job and the whole SSJ community. I am currently attending the University of Mary – working towards an M.Ed. in Administration with an emphasis in Catholic Education.

What impact did Catholic schools have on you and your family?

Attending a Catholic school growing up has brought me all the goodness I have in my life – even today. I can trace every single good thing that has happened in my life to my roots at MHT. My strong moral compass was developed in those early years of my education – this moral compass continues to guide my decision making as an adult.

It was very important to my mom that we be raised Catholic and attend Catholic school. I grew up in a very faith-filled home which I hope that I have replicated in my own family. Church centered us and was a big part of my formative years. My parents were very involved in various ministries and activities at MHT, so much of our lives revolved around our Church life. I am so grateful to my parents for the sacrifices they made to send me to Catholic school. I really can not imagine what my life would be like had I not attended MHT.

What Challenges/Obstacles, over the years, were you able to overcome that you would attribute to your Catholic education and Faith?

The moral compass I developed in my early years at MHT has been a guiding force in my life. In my high school and college years, I was faced with adversity that could have sent me down a different path. I was strong in my faith and committed to my morals – rather than just “going along with the crowd” – I let people know where I stood and that I was not wavering. I was able to stay true to myself and my beliefs. I am positive that this saved me from being in difficult or harmful situations.

What is one or two special memories of your Catholic School Experience that you would like to share?   

Lifelong friendships – still close with several of my earliest friends in elementary school!

Community – without the communities of MHT and SSJ, I would have been lost. They have surrounded me and supported me in my greatest joys and my lowest points.

As a student – a favorite memory was participating on Student Council in Junior High. Creating posters (my slogan was “Be Trendy, Vote for Wendy!”), making a speech, voting, it was a lot of fun! I was publicity and my main responsibility was to create bulletin boards at MHT – I would spend HOURS working on them!

As a staff member: I have too many to list! A recent favorite memory was when my 7/8 Boys XC team won the 1st place team trophy at the CYAA championships (2022). I have also been able to attend a few Marine Biology trips with my students and we have had a blast! I absolutely love the opportunity to spend time with my students – I love getting to know them better and them getting to know me better.


Starting my 18th year at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral School as the counselor (and now AP)

Crisis Team Coordinator for the Diocese of Phoenix

Currently attending University of Mary – seeking a second Masters in School Administration

Married for 21 years, son Matthew attended SSJ and now attends Brophy. Catholic education was incredibly important to my husband and I.