Name, Catholic School(s) attended, years graduated:
Shea Nowicki
St. John XXIII Catholic School, Class of 2016
Xavier College Preparatory, Class of 2020

Much of my extended family has lived in the Diocese of Phoenix since the 1970s. My grandparents faithfully raised six children in the Church – my dad, aunt and uncles – who continue to participate in parishes, schools and ministries around the Valley today.
I spent my young years in various places throughout the Southwest. When my parents decided to permanently move home to the Phoenix area in late summer before the start my seventh grade year, divine providence was at work – despite a mid-August move, I could start the academic year exactly on-time with my St. John XXIII peers and at the same time attend the school that several of my cousins had already graduated from! My parents faithfully responded to the call and their decision to place me in a Catholic school completely changed my life. It was there through the guidance of teachers and friends that I encountered the Gospel message.
Today, I am a rising senior at Benedictine College in Atchison, KS, where I study Theology, Education and Psychology. After graduation, it is my desire to holistically mentor high-school aged women in Catholic schools either through a teaching or a counseling position. This is in large part because of the formation I experienced in Catholic schools.

What impact did Catholic schools have on you and your family?
As the years pass, I am more and more convinced of the gift I have been given through Catholic education in the Diocese of Phoenix. The lessons I learned at St. John and Xavier have sincerely formed in every aspect of my life – spiritually, emotionally, intellectually – and have entirely set me upon the trajectory of my life. I know that without my parent’s “yes” to Catholic education nine years ago and the generous scholarships from Catholic Education Arizona, I wouldn’t be the person that I am today!

What Challenges/Obstacles, over the years, were you able to overcome that you would attribute to your Catholic education and Faith?
Catholic education has taught me how to live well, prioritizing prayer, friendship and family alongside strong academics. This desire for a well-balanced life is a reality I return to often as a college student. For example, when I am tempted to become insularly focused on a stressful assignment or a long to-do list, I am reminded that my “why” extends beyond myself and that it orients me towards others and God. If I have forgotten these things, I am missing the point entirely.

What is one or two special memories of your Catholic School Experience that you would like to share?
I absolutely loved my Catholic high school experience! At Xavier, I participated in clubs and campus ministry, held leadership positions, traveled to Ireland with ten other classmates for two weeks, and served as a teacher assistant for a freshman Theology teacher. I also deeply benefited from the faculty and student community. I truly felt the Xavier sisterhood in the friendships I formed, and I learned from the witness of teacher mentors who were in my corner from the first moment they knew me. Those relationships continue to encourage and support me today. Grateful can’t even begin to cover how I feel about my time there!


  • Yearbook Editor-in-Chief at Xavier
  • Awarded Most Outstanding Senior and St. Thérèse of Lisieux Campus Ministry Award at Xavier graduation
  • Presidential Scholar, Gregorian Fellow and St. John Paul II Fellow at Benedictine College in Atchison, KS
  • Studied abroad in Florence, Italy
  • Currently interning with Catholic Education Arizona’s dream team