Question #1 Parent: How has CEA helped make Catholic education attainable and affordable for your family?

My children would have attended public school as I continued to teach other parent’s children a Catholic education. Financially I could not afford my school of choice for my family on a Catholic teacher salary as Head-of-the Household.

Question #2 Student: What does a Catholic education mean to you and your family?

Everything. I see the value in a Catholic school and how their teacher’s give more than an education to their students. In the last two years during the pandemic, I do not see where my children or other students have been academically setback. This says a whole lot about the Catholic schools and what it means to my family along with others.

Question #3 Student: Why is this opportunity important to you?

An opportunity that will last a lifetime for the quality of my children, future generations, and society.

Question #4 Family: How would you thank those that have helped make your education possible through their state tax dollars and encourage them to continue to support Catholic Education Arizona?

I give back to you by educating more students in the Catholic school system. This is a way to thank you for your financial generosity as I share my gift to teach others.