How has CEA helped make Catholic education attainable and affordable for your family?

When God gives you an opportunity that will bless your life and the lives of others, He wants you to go for it! Being able to have my daughter receive a Catholic education is setting her up for success and for a better future. The ability to know that the foundation of education is embedded within the Catholic community is crucial to a growth mindset. The cost of an education like this for many is not attainable but through CEA, it allows for all, including my daughter to be a part of something bigger and greater. The financial stress is lifted and I know that through it all she is being guided by amazing teachers, great administration and outstanding peers.

What does a Catholic education mean to you and your family?

Being raised a Catholic and having our faith be the root of all that we do, a Catholic education is very important. I, myself, was able to attend a Catholic high school and was able to experience first hand the benefits of having a Catholic education. Having our faith be the guide in our daily lives changes the way we view and interact with others. There is respect that flows throughout the school and you gain a sense of accomplishment and pride.


Why is this opportunity important to you?

I was able to see my mom graduate from ASU even after having my sisters and I and her courage to continue her education is inspiring. She attended a Catholic high school and she always tells me that it is the best thing that could have happened to her and she was on a scholarship as well. Being in a Catholic school and having our faith be part of our curriculum is very important to the way I was raised and to the person I want to be. My grandmother always instilled that God’s way is the way, even if we don’t agree and I will completely agree with Him that attending and receiving a Catholic education is the way.


How would you thank those that have helped make your education possible through their state tax dollars and encourage them to continue to support Catholic Education Arizona?

You give the pathway for those students who think they don’t stand a chance in a private school, let alone a Catholic school, the ability to experience the beauty of religion and faith throughout their high school years. There is pride and joy that follows them everywhere even beyond those 4 years. The financial stress is no longer there for both the parent and student and they are able to focus on their classes, clubs, sports and community engagements to better their future. There is plenty of time as adults to worry about that but being able to help through CEA allows for them to be students and enjoy their high school years.