Seton Catholic Preparatory – 65 Years of Creating Leaders

2019-10-29T10:41:42-07:00October 14th, 2019|Catholic Schools|

Seton Catholic Preparatory opened as a parish school named Seton Catholic High School for St. Mary’s Church, which had many migrant and farming families. Foundation Seton Catholic High School was founded in 1954 in Chandler, Arizona by Father Joseph Patterson. In its first several decades, the Sisters of Charity of [...]

Happy 60th Anniversary St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School!

2019-10-29T15:56:43-07:00October 7th, 2019|Catholic Schools|

St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School opened its doors in September of 1959 in a temporary building in Maryvale, a part of West Phoenix. Foundation St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School was founded by Vincentian priests and the Daughters of Charity, whose charism is service to the underserved. Four Daughters [...]

Thank You from The Sullivan Family

2020-03-06T08:32:28-07:00October 6th, 2019|Success Stories|

"Catholic schools are so important to us because if you think about it, our kids are spending the majority of their day in someone else's care. Their minds are molded and shaped by people they spend their time with. Yes, parents are the primary educators of their children, but isn't it nice to know that in a Catholic school we are supported by like-minded people who share the same morals as we do?"

Alumni News — Frank Stubbs

2020-03-06T08:27:16-07:00October 4th, 2019|Articles|

Alumni News Frank Stubbs, Saint Thomas the Apostle ’92, Saint Mary’s High School ‘96 Background: “The Stubbs Family is a 3rd generation Harley-Davidson Dealer.  My father started the dealership in Phoenix in 1966.  After I graduated from University of San Diego (also a Catholic school) in 2000 I pretty much took [...]

Corporate News — BBVA

2019-10-10T07:22:17-07:00October 1st, 2019|Articles|

Corporate News -- BBVA Why did your corporation decide to work with CEA through the Low-Income Corporate Tax Credit? “The State of Arizona allows businesses to claim income tax credits for contributions to school tuition organizations (STOs) in order to support eligible children who qualify for federal free or reduced lunch programs. [...]

The Difference Between a Donation and a Tax Credit Contribution

2022-11-09T16:11:03-07:00October 1st, 2019|Articles|

Thanksgiving is a season of joy, family time, sharing and giving to others. During this time, you may receive various donation requests, and requests offering a redirection of AZ tax dollars in the form of tax credits. Although both are important, there are distinct differences that we will clarify to [...]