Exploring the True Value of a Catholic School Scholarship

2023-12-27T06:17:08-07:00December 27th, 2023|Articles|

When you hear the word "scholarship," you probably immediately think of a set dollar amount. After all, scholarships play a key role in equipping students to attend prestigious schools. With a Catholic school scholarship, students will be provided the financial resources they need to thrive. Let's take a look at [...]

The Top 3 Reasons Why Parents Choose Catholic Schools for Their Children

2023-12-26T11:54:34-07:00December 26th, 2023|Articles|

When you're choosing an educational environment for your child, it's important to consider several different elements. You know your child’s needs best, so selecting the right school is an important decision. You want them to be in a school where their talents can flourish and thrive. any parents have been [...]

Invest in the Future of Arizona

2023-12-07T10:15:23-07:00December 19th, 2023|Articles|

When you invest in a child’s Catholic education, you invest in the future of Arizona’s workforce. Our Arizona Catholic schools produce academic excellence with a 99.8% graduation rate, and 96% of students matriculate to higher education, trade school, or enter military service. What contributes to these staggering statistics? Students learning [...]

Corporate Spotlight: Jeff Mirasola, Government Affairs Director of Lumen Technologies

2023-12-07T10:31:27-07:00December 15th, 2023|Articles|

Jeff Mirasola, Government Affairs Director of Lumen Technologies, joined President and CEO of Catholic Education Arizona, Nancy Padberg, MBA, on episode 53 of the Creating Future Leaders Vodcast. Mirasola discussed the value of Catholic education and how business owners can create future leaders through AZ Corporate contributions. Lumen Technologies is [...]

Family Testimonial: “Without your help, we may never have been able to send our son to a Catholic School.”

2023-12-12T09:48:27-07:00December 12th, 2023|Success Stories|

I would like to start this testimony first saying that I believe the people working in Catholic Education Arizona, and its donors are angels walking on this earth. Thank you for the opportunity to write this testimony.