When Shea Nowicki’s parents decided to move to Phoenix just before the start of her seventh-grade year, the pieces began to fall into place. “I could start the academic year exactly on time with my St. John XXII peers and… attend the school several of my cousins had graduated from,” said Shea. Thanks to Arizona Tax Credit contributors creating Catholic Education Arizona scholarships, Shea attended St. John XXII Catholic School and Xavier College Preparatory until her graduation in 2020.

“As the years pass, I am more and more convinced of the gift I have been given through Catholic education,” said Shea. “The lessons I learned at St. John and Xavier have formed every aspect of my life – spiritually, emotionally, intellectually.”

Shea loved her high school years at Xavier. “I truly felt the Xavier sisterhood in the friendships I formed, and from the witness of teacher mentors who were in my corner,” Shea said. “Those relationships continue to encourage and support me today. Grateful can’t even begin to cover how I feel about my time there!” This supportive environment empowered Shea to join clubs, campus ministry, hold leadership positions, travel to Ireland, and serve as a teacher assistant for a Theology teacher.

Today, Shea is a rising senior at Benedictine College in Atchison, KS studying Theology, Education, and Psychology. Post graduation, Shea desires to mentor high-school-aged women in Catholic schools.

Shea believes Catholic education taught her to live well and prioritize prayer and family alongside strong academics. “This desire for a well-balanced life is a reality I return to often as a college student,” Shea said. “When I am tempted to become insularly focused on a stressful assignment or a long to-do list, I am reminded that my “why” extends beyond myself and it orients me towards others and God.” This mindset allows her to live a balanced life.

“I know that without my parent’s ‘yes’ to Catholic education nine years ago and the generous scholarships from Catholic Education Arizona, I wouldn’t be the person I am today,” Shea remarked. You can change lives by redirecting your AZ state tax dollars to Catholic Education Arizona. Your AZ Individual and Corporate tax dollars will be used for scholarships to underserved students at a Catholic school of your choice within the Diocese of Phoenix. Visit CEAZ.org, call (602) 218-6542, or email Nancy Padberg, MBA, President and CEO at npadberg@ceaz.org.