It’s Tax Season! Here’s What You Should Know About STO Tax Credit

2025-01-17T03:15:38-07:00April 3rd, 2024|Articles|

As we approach a long-awaited Tax Year 2024 filing deadline, our team at Catholic Education Arizona wants to thank you for another fantastic year of support. Without you, we wouldn't be able to accomplish the life-changing work that we do for students across Arizona, that impact our community and families. [...]

Understanding Why Catholic Education Is Important in 2024

2025-01-17T03:26:30-07:00March 23rd, 2024|Articles|

Catholic heritage has endured the test of time with a rich history of nearly 2,000 years. As a religion, it influences the lives of its followers and teaches the most important life lessons.  Those born into Catholic families may have attended Mass regularly and participated in the Church's community activities. [...]

COO Update: March 2024

2024-03-12T09:32:44-07:00March 11th, 2024|Articles|

Lent:  A Time to Prepare and a Time for Hope At Catholic Education Arizona, we continue to hope for the thousands of children desiring a Catholic education yet haven’t been able to receive one.  Thanks to our state and its robust school choice legislation, all families have the ability to [...]

CEO Series: Create a Stronger Workforce with Education

2024-04-19T08:11:55-07:00February 27th, 2024|Articles|

One of the most noble causes, in my opinion, is to encourage others in their pursuit of education. As President and CEO of Catholic Education Arizona, I have seen countless lives changed because taxpayers, like you, chose to redirect their state tax dollars to support scholarships for underserved students. Education [...]

4 Ways Diversity Plays a Key Role in Catholic School Education

2024-02-22T10:42:02-07:00February 22nd, 2024|Articles|

With the new year fully underway, our team wants to showcase some of the fundamental ways that our schools are bringing different principles into the classroom. Diversity and inclusion have been important issues for a long time, especially amongst faith-based communities and educational environments. Here is an outline of four [...]