Boys Hope Girls Hope of Arizona was founded by Jesuit Father Paul Sheridan in the late 70s. The mission of Boys Hope Girls Hope is to nurture and guide motivated young people in need to become well-educated career-ready men and women.

The following is a recap of our vodcast hosted by Nancy Padberg, MBA and President & CEO and Deb Preach, Chief Operating Officer of Catholic Education Arizona; joined by Amy Pfeifer, Executive Director of Boys Hope Girls Hope of Arizona. Learn how the academic support offered through Boys Hope Girls Hope of Arizona is empowering students across the state.

Why Was Boys Hope Girls Hope Created?

Amy Pfeifer shares that the purpose behind the creation of Boys Hope Girls Hope is to provide young people with education and support that allows them to thrive while surrounded by consistent, positive role models. The organization works with youth and families for whom a college education is their goal but they need additional assistance to get there.

Boys Hope Girls Hope offers both residential and nonresidential programs. They have a Boy’s Hope home and a Girl’s hope home for scholars who would benefit from an alternate place to reside.

How Do the Residential Homes Benefit Scholars?

Thanks to the Arizona Tax Credits, Boys Hope Girls Hope currently has 55 scholars enrolled in Catholic schools. Boys Hope Girls Hope works with families and teach their scholars to become well-educated, competitive, and qualified college applicants.

What Is The Relationship Between Catholic Education Arizona and Boys Hope Girls Hope?

Many programs like Boys Hope Girls Hope encounter high operating costs. Thankfully, Arizona is one of several states that offer state tax credits, allowing individuals and corporations the ability to support Boys Hope Girls Hope with their Arizona tax liability at ultimately no cost to them! CEA and Boys Hope Girls Hope have enjoyed a long partnership supporting scholars that attend Xavier College Preparatory, St. Mary’s High School, Bourgade Catholic High School, and St. Francis Xavier Catholic School.

The Boys Hope Girls Hope program provides its’ scholars with the proper education and support to help them become successful college students and citizens. If access to quality education is a priority for you, the Individual and Corporate tax credits are great ways to ensure that those youth who otherwise would not have the opportunity can receive the quality education they desire. To learn how you can create future leaders with Catholic Education Arizona, visit our website or call us today at 602-218-6542.