What many business owners in Arizona may not realize is that they have the opportunity to support their communities in simple ways that don’t require significant time and effort. Dignity Memorial is just one business that does this — directing its tax dollars to support Boys Hope Girls Hope through Catholic Education Arizona. General Manager Dan Salter talks this through with CEA President and CEO, Nancy Padberg.

The Impact of Shared Values

Though Dignity Memorial and CEA as a Catholic charity operate in separate industries, aligning values allow the two to work together to make a difference. Salter explains Dignity Memorial’s priorities as a business, saying, “Our core values are respect, integrity, service, excellence, and establishing enduring relationships. We don’t believe that our relationship with a family is a one and done, we have families that we have served for generations and generations.”

Padberg agrees with this sentiment, “Everything is rooted in trust. It’s a real tribute to be able to serve those families for generations.” It is this dedication to constantly ensuring family well-being that led Dignity Memorial to partner with CEA. Both organizations work with children facing their own set of challenges and do what they can to offer the needed support.

A Cause Close to the Heart

CEA and Boys Hope Girls Hope are causes that Salter holds near and dear. He grew up going to Boys Club, unaware at the time of just how much of an influence the organization was making on him. “Boys Club provided me and my brother an opportunity to go somewhere where it was safe. It was structured, we learned values, we were being served by that organization and didn’t even realize that.”

He, and Dignity Memorial, believe that CEA and Boys Hope Girls Hope are providing necessary services to the children of Arizona. Not only do these organizations offer high-quality Catholic education, but they provide a range of other support. Padberg elaborates, “As a business, Dignity Memorial has been serving these families, and we serve families, as well. We are helping them with their children getting an education that surrounds the child mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually.” According to Usccb.org, nearly half of Catholic schools in the US participate in Federal Nutrition Programs, providing more than 250,000 free meals to children every day.

Considering Corporate Responsibility

When it comes to directing tax dollars, it’s not only ethical — it’s easy! Salter touches on this, saying, “It costs them [businesses] nothing. They’re going to pay the taxes anyway.” For businesses wanting to use their tax funds to create positive change and showcase their values, it’s a no-brainer. Salter continues, “Why not channel those taxes, funnel those taxes to something worthy, something that will benefit mankind, benefit your community, benefit the individual? And it’s as easy as just making the decision.”

To learn more about how to direct your funds, reach out to Catholic Education Arizona today!