Scholarships for First-Generation Graduates

2019-09-25T15:21:31-07:00September 25th, 2019|Articles|

In today’s highly-competitive job market, a college education sets candidates apart. To get the best jobs, candidates need a quality education along with experience and other credentials. However, many students who come from underserved families struggle to gain access to the education they deserve, let alone graduate successfully. Bridging the [...]

Associate Spotlight: Sandee Pusac – Office Manager

2019-09-12T11:02:21-07:00September 5th, 2019|Articles|

I have been with CEA for two years. My responsibilities entail daily operations from phones, IT, phone operations, customer assistance for school and parishes. I have been with the Diocese of Phoenix for seven years, having previously worked at Bourgade Catholic High School and St. Jerome Catholic School. We were [...]