Catholic Education Arizona Helps Create Future Leaders through Private Education Tax Credits

2019-12-24T08:28:53-07:00December 26th, 2019|Press|

PHOENIX, AZ (December 26, 2019) — Nancy Padberg, President & CEO of Catholic Education Arizona, announced, “Catholic Education Arizona had a record Giving Tuesday, raising $678,715 from individual tax payers for the underserved students in the Catholic schools of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix.” Arizona legislation gives taxpayers the [...]

Partnerships that Build Passion:  The Phoenix-South Bend Connection (Part I)

2019-12-09T09:05:09-07:00December 1st, 2019|Catholic Schools|

The world of Catholic education is a tight network woven together by innovation focused on specific goals.  The main goals are success for Catholic schools and providing excellent education for children through a Catholic worldview. Partnership with the University of Notre Dame has benefitted many Catholic schools in the Diocese [...]

Associate News — Deb Preach, Chief Development Officer

2019-12-13T18:39:26-07:00December 1st, 2019|Articles|

Deb Preach, Chief Development Officer “I am starting my fourth year with Catholic Education Arizona and currently serve as the Chief Development Officer and School Liaison.  My role includes all things scholarship related, FAIR administration, Marketing and Development administration, Corporate Acquisition and retention, Sponsorships, School and Diocese Relationships, HR / [...]

St. Michael Indian School: A Legacy of St. Katharine Drexel

2022-09-08T08:51:18-07:00December 1st, 2019|Catholic Schools|

St. Michael Indian School has a long history of providing Catholic education. The School opened its doors in 1902 to serve 76 Navajo students. Now, 120 years later, SMIS educates 345 students in preschool through grade 12 in an environment that is rooted in Catholic values, teaches leadership skills, and [...]

Corporate News — Earnhardt Generosity is No Bull!

2019-12-09T09:10:37-07:00December 1st, 2019|Articles|

Why did your corporation decide to work with CEA through the Low-Income Corporate Tax Credit? “We researched the various ‘STOs’ and received some external referrals. CEAZ really stood out. We were happy with what we learned and moved forward with them [CEAZ]. It gives us a great opportunity to make available this [...]

Advent, A Time to Prepare

2019-12-12T07:38:25-07:00December 1st, 2019|Articles|

As we begin the Advent season, the Development and Marketing Team has been preparing and communicating through a variety of channels about the importance of taking the AZ Private Education Tax Credit.  We find ourselves explaining the benefits of taking the credit daily on the phone, in our parishes and [...]