Jeff Mirasola of Lumen CenturyLink Discusses Making a Difference for Quality Education Through Corporate Tax Credits with CEA’s Deb Preach

2022-06-06T13:18:22-07:00October 29th, 2021|Podcasts|

Jeff Marisola is a business leader in Arizona for Lumen Technologies, also known as CenturyLink, and a former member of the Board of Directors for Catholic Education Arizona whom I've had the pleasure of knowing for years.

An Interview With Javier Bravo and Ryan Costello from Bourgade Catholic High School

2021-11-30T10:11:08-07:00October 22nd, 2021|Podcasts|

We have Principal Javier Bravo and Dean Ryan Costello from Bourgade Catholic High School. Today we're going to talk about the importance of Catholic Education, and what exciting things are happening at Bourgade.

An Interview With David Gryp, President of Notre Dame Credit Union

2021-11-29T16:51:06-07:00October 8th, 2021|Podcasts|

Today's guest is a graduate of our Catholic schools in the Diocese of Phoenix, and the President of Notre Dame Credit Union. David Gryp joins us today to talk about the ways Notre Dame Federal Credit Union partners with schools and families to make Catholic Education accessible and affordable.

CDO Update: October 2021

2021-10-08T16:21:41-07:00October 1st, 2021|Articles|

Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall. —F. Scott Fitzgerald Welcome to Fall, where cooler temperatures, beautiful mornings and amazing sunsets are ours to embrace. Arizona offers such beauty and is just one of the many reasons to reside here. Arizona also offers freedoms not [...]