4 Key Ways That Catholic Education Focuses on Critical Thinking
When it comes to education, Catholic schools go above and beyond mere memorization and repetition. Critical thinking is a primary focus of Catholic schools, [...]
Can Catholic School Education Help With Your Child’s Character Development?
Teachers and parents understand that character development is a lengthy process. It takes time for children to develop a unique outlook of their own, [...]
Thank You from an Xavier College Preparatory Graduate Who Also Earned Her Associate’s Degree!
I would like to start this testimony first saying that I believe the people working in Catholic Education Arizona, and its donors are angels walking on this earth. Thank you for the opportunity to write this testimony.
Alumni Testimonial: Shea Nowicki Current CEA intern for 2023
Name, Catholic School(s) attended, years graduated: Shea Nowicki St. John XXIII Catholic School, Class of 2016 Xavier College Preparatory, Class of 2020 Background: Much [...]
COO Update: August 2023
Back to School is upon Us! With each passing year, I recall many fond memories of all things back-to-school! Uniform purchases, supply shopping and [...]
Letter from President & CEO: July 2023
Dear Friends, I trust you are enjoying your summer with family and friends, making new memories and staying cool! We kicked off our FY24 [...]