Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Glendale): Living the Gospel in a Multi-Cultural Environment

2021-02-24T09:33:55-07:00February 24th, 2021|Articles|

At Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School, Glendale, our mission is to celebrate God's gifts through academic excellence, sacramental life, and community outreach. Every student who attends this Catholic school is expected to be involved in each of these three parts of the school's mission. The school's staff, led [...]

The Galia Family

2021-02-09T09:14:07-07:00February 9th, 2021|Success Stories|

Question #1 for Parent: “How has CEA helped make Catholic education attainable and affordable for your family?  Our son, who is now a high school senior, has been in Catholic school since he was a freshman. We now have a daughter beginning her freshman year at the same Catholic school. [...]

COO Letter February 2024

2024-02-07T08:22:46-07:00February 9th, 2021|Press|

Remember “Heart Health” When we hear “heart health”, we think about EKG’s, nutrition and activity to promote longevity and happiness in our lives.  I want to take that a step further and include our willingness to serve as another important aspect of “heart health.” As children, we were taught to [...]