Turn Your Tax Dollars into Future Leaders with Payroll Deduction or Scheduled Pay

2023-09-05T10:36:47-07:00August 19th, 2021|Articles|

At Catholic Education Arizona, we change lives one scholarship at a time. We've been helping families obtain a quality Catholic education for 26 years, thanks to generous supporters of the Arizona Tax Credits in our community. Nationally, approximately 2 million children attended Catholic schools in 2016 and were able to [...]

Five Famous Catholic School Graduates

2021-08-19T06:21:18-07:00August 12th, 2021|Articles|

Catholic Education provides students with a strong foundation, instilling   moral character, a spiritual worldview, and leadership skills. Approximately 10% of Catholic teenagers attend a Catholic school, and many have gone on to become celebrities, athletes, famous musicians, and influential politicians throughout the years. Listed below are five graduates of Catholic [...]

The Tom Family

2021-11-11T15:15:37-07:00August 1st, 2021|Success Stories|

Since we have the scholarship, resources we had put aside for my child are helping us with other resources such as tutors, a desk, personal computer, and help online-- all of these with the saved money! This would not have been possible and more difficult if we did not have a CEA scholarship.

Construction Projects Breathe New Life into St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School and Seton Catholic Prep Campuses

2021-08-06T16:51:45-07:00August 1st, 2021|Articles|

Catholic schools thrive on tradition and take pride in their rich history. However, when the opportunity to update or even replace the “historic” parts of campus arises, school communities are filled with joy. Updated classrooms, high-speed internet, new infrastructure, and modern architecture are welcomed each summer on school campuses in [...]

CDO Update: August 2021

2021-08-06T16:34:45-07:00August 1st, 2021|Articles|

Back to School is upon us! Having grown children and working in this industry brings back fond memories of all things back-to-school! The uniform purchases, supply shopping and book covering (which really dates me!) were always met with excitement and anticipation for a year filled with possibility. I’ve been reminded [...]