The Duran Family

2022-05-10T10:35:06-07:00May 10th, 2022|Success Stories|

How has CEA helped make Catholic education attainable and affordable for your family? When God gives you an opportunity that will bless your life and the lives of others, He wants you to go for it! Being able to have my daughter receive a Catholic education is setting her up for success [...]

The Stabile Family

2022-04-11T16:54:05-07:00April 11th, 2022|Success Stories|

I personally experience effective instruction, faith-based character developed in each child, and valuable relationships with the teachers and their students. I see the students coming from public schools and thriving on our Catholic education. This I want to be able to give my children as I give other families.

The Marsee Family

2022-03-04T17:01:56-07:00March 4th, 2022|Success Stories|

The Marsee Family children have attended St Timothy Catholic School (Mesa) and Seton Catholic Preparatory (Chandler). Why was it important that your children attend Catholic schools? It is our job as parents to help get our children to Heaven. We chose to send our children to Catholic school to help [...]

The Rohde Family

2022-02-07T08:37:40-07:00February 4th, 2022|Success Stories|

I am so grateful to CEA and everyone who makes this possible through their state tax dollars. You are the reason my daughter is able to attend the school that is the best fit for her. I know she deserves the chance at a Catholic education and I will forever be grateful to all of you!

The Robertson Family

2022-01-07T13:29:58-07:00January 1st, 2022|Success Stories|

I want to say thank you for your donations and let them know that it is going for a good cause. I plan on continue with my Catholic education by, hopefully, attending Notre Dame Preparatory prep. I like that their patron saint is Mary and that they have so many service opportunities. Thank you again.

The Bigg Family

2022-01-07T13:28:08-07:00December 1st, 2021|Success Stories|

It has always been our dream to have our daughter attend a school of her choice which focuses on faith, educational excellence, and community bonding. Catholic Education Arizona has made education attainable and affordable for the many needy families like mine.

The Tom Family

2021-11-11T15:15:37-07:00August 1st, 2021|Success Stories|

Since we have the scholarship, resources we had put aside for my child are helping us with other resources such as tutors, a desk, personal computer, and help online-- all of these with the saved money! This would not have been possible and more difficult if we did not have a CEA scholarship.